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美国ITRON减压阀B31 IMR燃气调压器(阀口1/4

关键词: 美国ITRON减压阀B31 IMR燃气调压器(阀口1/4
美国ITRON减压阀B31 IMR燃气调压器(阀口1/4
品牌 埃创ITRON 材质 铸铁 型号 B31
连接形式 内螺纹 适用介质 燃气,空气 公称通径 DN25


 美国ITRON燃气减压阀 B31系列天然气调压器 ITRON减压阀样本

Light Commercial And Industrial Regulator
The B31 is used where inches of water column or pounds delivery is desired such as utility services, and small-to-medium sized furnaces and boilers. The rapid response of the B31 is particularly well suited for applications where sudden on/off loads could cause shock problems.

Features + Benefits

In addition to the different versions offered, the B31 also has the following features:

  • Field interchangeable orifice
  • 27 sq. in. diaphragm area
  • Spring-loaded internal relief valve assembly
  • Interchangeable adjustment spring
  • Controlled breather orifice
  • Wide range of NPT valve body sizes

最后更新时间:2015-08-03 10:01:40